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Jane Russell adoption

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Tom Waterfields first visit to Derry


Back in 1951 the camp was in the news again as David and Frances McDermott from 69b Springtown Camp's daughter Hannah Florence, now living in London, has allowed her 15 month old son to be adopted by Hollywood actress legend Jane Russell. Russell was in London to perform at the Royal Command Performance. The news was carried on the front page of several daily papers that she was interested in adopting a baby boy around 15 months old. Hannah saw this and phoned the Savoy Hotel, where Jane Russell was staying. She got through to Russells room and when she told her she had a baby son and she would like her to adopt him and take him to America where he would have a better future. She was requested to bring the boy to her hotel and she duly did and Russell loved the look of the young boy and agreed to adopt him. Jane, somehow, through her powerful contacts was able to get the boy an Irish Passport the next day. The following night she flew with the boy to America and the boy was on his way to the San Fernando Valley in Southern California and a new life.

Thomas Kavanagh was now Thomas Waterfield, pictured above. The world's newspapers and television had a field day reporting this amazing story. It was reported as a feel good factor story, but that soon changed when Labour M.P Colonel Marcus Lipton stood up in Westminster Parliament  and demanded that American film stars stop snatching 'British' children. As Thomas flew with an Irish Passport as both his parents were Irish this made a difference, as Jane Russell angrily reminded Colonel Lipton. Still the Kavanagh's were summoned to Bow Street Magistrate Court on Thursday 24 April 1952, charged with breaking British adoption laws. Russell hired a top London Barrister to appear for the Kavanaghs.  The Judge said the child would be well cared for with Jane Russell and he would be better to stay in America as he is well settled there. The Kavanaghs were discharged conditionally, and the British later changed their adoption laws. Shortly Jane Russell completed the official adoption of Thomas. 

Tragically Hannah was strangled in London in 1980, sadly, her murderer was never brought to justice. 

Thomas was brought to Derry by the BBC and I met him in the Tower Hotel and told him the story of Springtown Camp. I brought Sandy McDermott his uncle to meet him and the meeting was recorded by the BBC for a documentary. The family connection between Sandy and Thomas was obvious and it was plain to see the resemblance between them. I took Thomas to see the house in London Street where his mother was born and give him a copy of her birth certificate. We travelled to the Strand hotel in Clonmany where we had dinner with The BBC producer of the documentary and Thomas's Son who travelled from America with him.Thomas returned to Derry several months later with a member of his band and they done a gig in Derry before moving on to Galway.

Kathleen, Hannah's sister came to Derry for a visit a couple of years ago with her daughter and grandson,

and made contact with me and I took her to see her brother Sandy. Their meeting was the first time they had seen each other in 45 years, and it was very emotional as Sandy was very ill. He was delighted to see his sister and they spent a lovely few hours together. Sadly Sandy passed away just three weeks later. Kathleen is now living in Bristol, England near her family and is in good health.


Thomas is now living happily just outside Tucson, in sun drenched Arizona, and still playing in his band.

                               Jane Russell                                                                 Hannah bathing her children the night                                                                                                                           after her son Thomas flew to America 



























Sandy meets his sister Kathleen for the first time in over 45 years

Thomas Waterfield with Frances Lynch an old neighbour of his mothers and yours truly, also pictured is Thomas's son AJ when he visited Derry for the first time.

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